Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Hypertension, Insulin-dependent Diabetes, CVID

This is my testimonial for Hempworx CBD 750 mg THC FREE.

This will probably be very lengthy, so please bear with me. I have numerous medical conditions. I have hypertension, insulin-dependent diabetes, CVID that requires monthly treatments via an access port, degenerative disc disease. I also have fibromyalgia, extensive neuropathy, Crohn's disease, diverticula, anxiety and depression issues, erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenous, recently found out I have gout in my right foot. Will be tested again for Lupus and a couple other medical conditions within the next few months. These are only a few of my ailments. I am only 44 years old, but more importantly I'm a wife of 23 years and a mother to 4 kids.

I started taking Hempworx CBD oil after seeing a sweet friends (Candace Walker Lee) numerous posts. I will be honest, with all of my ailments I was not expecting much from the oil. To say the least I was very skeptical. I started with five servings per day. Once in the morning as soon as my feet hit the floor and again around 4 PM in the afternoon.

Within two days I noticed it was easier for my body to move. I was able to sit for a few minutes and get up without being so stiff. A few days later I noticed I wasn't taking my pain medication during the day, as I only take it when needed. Please note that I was prescribed a common pain medication that's known as a 5, 7.5 or a 10. I was prescribed the 10 to take 4 times a day but would only take as needed during the day and always at night. I was also prescribed another pain medication that's usually given via a pump while someone is in the hospital. That was to be taken 3 times a day but I NEVER took that medicine. Actually flushed that one down the commode. However, I noticed I wasn't taking the "10" at all during the day. So I took a chance and removed it from my nightly med holder.

Within one week I was off of all pain meds. Then I started noticing that the neuropathy from my knees down and in my hands (both of which I've had for over 8 years) started going away. I was starting to feel everything in those places.

I also started noticing that my digestive diseases were taking a turn for the better. That's something I've dealt with since I was a teen. I slowly weened myself off of those medications.

My sleep issues are something I've dealt with since I was in my 20's, I'll be honest and say the oil has not helped with my sleeping but I'm very happy with my results so far. To give you an idea of my own "hallelujah", I was taking 23 pills at night for all of my medical conditions. I am now taking three. 

Yes, you read that right, THREE pills and those are for my blood sugar (1) and blood pressure (2). Hempworx has also helped as far as my diabetes is concerned. I was well on my way to getting an insulin pump put in place because my numbers were staying in the 500s. I am happy to report that my numbers are now staying in the upper one hundreds and my oncologist/hematologist/endocrinologist are all so excited.

My only regret with Hempworx is I kept procrastinating on the purchase. I have absolutely realized something as simple as CBD oil drops can change a persons life dramatically.

If you are considering a purchase, please stop putting it off. With a 30 day money back guarantee you have nothing to lose. What are you waiting for? Go.... take the plunge and get your body and mind back to what it should be. Find an affiliate and make a purchase now!!!
**Current serving is: 7 drops in the morning & 7 around 4PM.**

 Grow New Hair, Defeat Alopecia - Hempworx CBD Oil

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