Saturday, August 10, 2019


I'm a fairly new affiliate but just thought I was familiar with hemp & CBD oil. My husband is epileptic and cannabis has been his only successful means of seizure control. We'd actually just went to a conference and were considering becoming growers! Here is what my story is after just about 20 days using HempWorx! I really felt the need to share and hope I have much more to add in the future!

My Story 🌟 It's almost day 20 using HempWorx 500 and I have failed to report in. Gotta love the holidays! Looking back prior to my first order....How could I NOT afford to order?

How could I justify not spending the money where I now view it as a necessity because it was to improve my child's quality of metal health? I'm ashamed that it took me so long to get him started & my only excuse is that I was researching CBD targeting depression & wanted a good quality brand. I found that at HempWorx.

It's not the cheapest but it's the lowest priced PURE 100% whole hemp, made in the USA product I have found. The other 3 brands I considered were either imported from another country, cut with sunflower oil or the price was over $120 a bottle & did NOT have lab quality certificates.

 Now because I'm a mother I'm not going to give my child something I have not tried myself so we started together! *Please note for those who don't know me personally when I say my child, I'm talking about my handsome 27 year old son Joey who just happens to have Down's Syndrome! So yes, his well being is fully my responsibility 💓

Just in 20 days he has had very noticable improvement in his mood, I'm so excited to now catch him smiling more! It makes my heart sing! I just started noticing a couple other things about him that I wasn't expecting but after more reading, I can attribute to the CBD oil as well.

His eczema is clearing!! All these dermatologist prescription creams & shampoos have done nothing to little to even control and now it's clearing!!! He's had fewer complaints, like 90% less stomachaches which has been an issue with him forever.

I'm so happy and feel so blessed he's responding to CBD treatment I could just pop! He likes the peppermint flavor and will remind me to give it to him if I forget 😁 He calls them Happy Drops!
 Grow New Hair, Defeat Alopecia - Hempworx CBD Oil

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