Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Hypertension, Insulin-dependent Diabetes, CVID

This is my testimonial for Hempworx CBD 750 mg THC FREE.

This will probably be very lengthy, so please bear with me. I have numerous medical conditions. I have hypertension, insulin-dependent diabetes, CVID that requires monthly treatments via an access port, degenerative disc disease. I also have fibromyalgia, extensive neuropathy, Crohn's disease, diverticula, anxiety and depression issues, erythema nodosum, pyoderma gangrenous, recently found out I have gout in my right foot. Will be tested again for Lupus and a couple other medical conditions within the next few months. These are only a few of my ailments. I am only 44 years old, but more importantly I'm a wife of 23 years and a mother to 4 kids.

I started taking Hempworx CBD oil after seeing a sweet friends (Candace Walker Lee) numerous posts. I will be honest, with all of my ailments I was not expecting much from the oil. To say the least I was very skeptical. I started with five servings per day. Once in the morning as soon as my feet hit the floor and again around 4 PM in the afternoon.

Within two days I noticed it was easier for my body to move. I was able to sit for a few minutes and get up without being so stiff. A few days later I noticed I wasn't taking my pain medication during the day, as I only take it when needed. Please note that I was prescribed a common pain medication that's known as a 5, 7.5 or a 10. I was prescribed the 10 to take 4 times a day but would only take as needed during the day and always at night. I was also prescribed another pain medication that's usually given via a pump while someone is in the hospital. That was to be taken 3 times a day but I NEVER took that medicine. Actually flushed that one down the commode. However, I noticed I wasn't taking the "10" at all during the day. So I took a chance and removed it from my nightly med holder.

Within one week I was off of all pain meds. Then I started noticing that the neuropathy from my knees down and in my hands (both of which I've had for over 8 years) started going away. I was starting to feel everything in those places.

I also started noticing that my digestive diseases were taking a turn for the better. That's something I've dealt with since I was a teen. I slowly weened myself off of those medications.

My sleep issues are something I've dealt with since I was in my 20's, I'll be honest and say the oil has not helped with my sleeping but I'm very happy with my results so far. To give you an idea of my own "hallelujah", I was taking 23 pills at night for all of my medical conditions. I am now taking three. 

Yes, you read that right, THREE pills and those are for my blood sugar (1) and blood pressure (2). Hempworx has also helped as far as my diabetes is concerned. I was well on my way to getting an insulin pump put in place because my numbers were staying in the 500s. I am happy to report that my numbers are now staying in the upper one hundreds and my oncologist/hematologist/endocrinologist are all so excited.

My only regret with Hempworx is I kept procrastinating on the purchase. I have absolutely realized something as simple as CBD oil drops can change a persons life dramatically.

If you are considering a purchase, please stop putting it off. With a 30 day money back guarantee you have nothing to lose. What are you waiting for? Go.... take the plunge and get your body and mind back to what it should be. Find an affiliate and make a purchase now!!!
**Current serving is: 7 drops in the morning & 7 around 4PM.**

 Grow New Hair, Defeat Alopecia - Hempworx CBD Oil

Saturday, August 10, 2019

InHouse Testimonial EPILEPSY & SEIZURES

I'm a software solutions developer and a living testimony of cbd oil's wonder working capabilities.

I grew up as every normal child but at the age of 19 (plus 7 months) on February 1, 2008, I started having severe seizures that temporarily truncated my education. I was in my final year at Milton Keynes, UK and had to "step aside" educationally. My loving parents did their best - took me to the best Neuro Psychiatric hospital on the continent in Aro, Abeokuta.

I underwent several types of tests & therapies but all to no avail. Terrible drugs like carbamazepine and the likes were the best thing consultant neurologists could prescribe. Taking as much as 600mg everyday.

My situation grew worse and I started having memory loss (amnesia) and unceremoniously, my university education of 4 years was stretched to 11 years - though I eventually graduated with a first class.

As a full-blooded Yoruba man of Egba stock, epilepsy is treated like leprosy - noone will ever want to have anything to do with such a person and this turned me into an outcast sort of even amongst close family and friends.

Luckily for me, during my youth service program in Abuja (2014 - 2015), I met an angel in person of Dr. Ijeoma (in Asokoro). She introduced me to cbd oil (for free) and that was the end of this shame causing illness called EPILEPTIC SEIZURE. I've been taking it since then till date.

Cbd oil works like magic and now I have no fear attached to going out and being in the midst of people again. No shame, no suicidal thoughts, no inferiority complex, no type of illness, no seizures again

Thanks so much and remain blessed
 Grow New Hair, Defeat Alopecia - Hempworx CBD Oil

Constant Pain from Arthritis and Inflammation

Ok, like I said I began taking it the same day and here is what I've found. For several years I've been in pretty much constant pain from arthritis and inflammation.

I'd been taking 400-800mg of Motrin a day for???years. I went to bed hurting. I woke up hurting. I worked my tail off everyday hurting most of the time.

By day 3 taking HempWorx I had about 70% less pain. To me, that's a big, BIG BIG difference. Now that it's almost day 20 I will say I'm now 95% pain free most of the time & feel NO inflammation!

I've also noticed I'm calmer than my "norm" & am sleeping better. We both have had the flu this week (hey, it's not a 100% miracle cure all) but we're recovering pretty quickly and comfortably I think! All I know is I wanted to give an honest testimony & now I can give one for both Joe & myself. We are both customers for life and I cannot put a pricetag on how we're feeling!

It's priceless but thankfully it's also very affordable! I am so excited to share this and look forward to how far we will both go to reach our goals of better health & happiness!! I plan to continue to study CBDs potential health benefits and the new studies that are just now beginning.

So amazing this plant called hemp that had been used for centuries and has so many uses had become lost to our modern culture! Thrilled it's known now and so glad I'm a part of it with HempWorx!

For those who do know me personally, you know I tell things straight up like it is & don't sugar coat. I'm skeptical & analytical by nature, read & research everything....if I'm this excited...GET EXCITED!!! ❤
 Grow New Hair, Defeat Alopecia - Hempworx CBD Oil


I'm a fairly new affiliate but just thought I was familiar with hemp & CBD oil. My husband is epileptic and cannabis has been his only successful means of seizure control. We'd actually just went to a conference and were considering becoming growers! Here is what my story is after just about 20 days using HempWorx! I really felt the need to share and hope I have much more to add in the future!

My Story 🌟 It's almost day 20 using HempWorx 500 and I have failed to report in. Gotta love the holidays! Looking back prior to my first order....How could I NOT afford to order?

How could I justify not spending the money where I now view it as a necessity because it was to improve my child's quality of metal health? I'm ashamed that it took me so long to get him started & my only excuse is that I was researching CBD targeting depression & wanted a good quality brand. I found that at HempWorx.

It's not the cheapest but it's the lowest priced PURE 100% whole hemp, made in the USA product I have found. The other 3 brands I considered were either imported from another country, cut with sunflower oil or the price was over $120 a bottle & did NOT have lab quality certificates.

 Now because I'm a mother I'm not going to give my child something I have not tried myself so we started together! *Please note for those who don't know me personally when I say my child, I'm talking about my handsome 27 year old son Joey who just happens to have Down's Syndrome! So yes, his well being is fully my responsibility πŸ’“

Just in 20 days he has had very noticable improvement in his mood, I'm so excited to now catch him smiling more! It makes my heart sing! I just started noticing a couple other things about him that I wasn't expecting but after more reading, I can attribute to the CBD oil as well.

His eczema is clearing!! All these dermatologist prescription creams & shampoos have done nothing to little to even control and now it's clearing!!! He's had fewer complaints, like 90% less stomachaches which has been an issue with him forever.

I'm so happy and feel so blessed he's responding to CBD treatment I could just pop! He likes the peppermint flavor and will remind me to give it to him if I forget 😁 He calls them Happy Drops!
 Grow New Hair, Defeat Alopecia - Hempworx CBD Oil

Friday, August 2, 2019

Cancer, Diabetes, High Bp, Kidney disease, Liver infection

Do you know anyone battling with any of the following health challenges?

Cancer, Diabetes, High Bp, Kidney disease, Liver infection, Arthritis, Respiratory disease, Metabolic syndrome, Chronic body pain, Insomnia, Infertility, Prostate enlargement, Fibroid, Autism, Epileptic seizure, Goitre, Pile, Alzheimer's, etc.
May be I didn't mention the name of the disease.

Please, recommend HempWorx CBD Oil.

This HempWorx CBD Oil has been known to rejuvenate and regenerate the body's "Endocannabinoid System which naturally corrects any *kind of diseased condition

If you don't know where and how to get this oil, please contact me.
We deliver anywhere in the World......

The testimonies and results are amazing! I have not seen this kind of oil before.

Share this message, who knows, you may save a soul.

How is it that this one product - CBD oil - does so much?

The answer is simple...

CBD does not do the work!

✅ CBD signals the body to do the work.

When we supplement our bodies with Cannabinoids and feed our Cannabinoid  receptors, our Endogenous Cannabinoid System begins to work properly and begins to self regulate and self correct.

CBD isn’t a quick fix.

CBD isn’t a bandaid.

CBD is aiding to restore a system in your body that is deficient.

This system is responsible for pain management, inflammation and immunity.

CBD Oil and Male and Female Infertility


Infertility problems are surprisingly common.
In fact, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that at least 10 percent of the female population (ages 15-44) have difficulty getting or staying pregnant. This means more than 6.1 million women alone face fertility issues.

Unfortunately, women are not the only ones who may experience infertility problems. This issue affects both men and women equally. Among couples experiencing infertility, roughly 35 percent is due to the male, while another 35 percent is due to the female. Another 20 percent is a combination of both male and female factors, and the remaining 10 percent is unknown.

Thankfully, a number of alternative therapies are on the rise for helping with infertility problems. One of the most popular alternative therapies is CBD. This amazing cannabinoid has profound effects on fertility, more of which will be shared below...


Increasing evidence has shown CBD has a powerful effect on fertility. This is due to the way it interacts with the ECS. Since the ECS is a regulatory system, its primary function is helping maintain homeostasis, or balance, in the body. When CBD is introduced, the ECS system can be brought back to balance and be encouraged to work more smoothly and efficiently.


 This powerful cannabinoid affects women and men in different ways. For women, CBD can be beneficial for getting pregnant as well as helping throughout pregnancy and delivery as well. Many women also are turning toward CBD because of its ability to mitigate THC’s effects. This may allow women who choose to use cannabis during their pregnancy to reduce THC’s effect on both their body and their fetus.

For women trying to get pregnant, promising evidence has shown CBD can help with conceiving. While studies have shown THC may affect implantation, ovulation, and even be linked to miscarriages, CBD has shown the opposite effects. In addition, because CBD has powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, many women opt for CBD during uncomfortable periods of pregnancy and delivery.

A study conducted by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the National University of Ireland Galway, and published in the January 2010 issue of the Journal of the Society for Reproduction and Fertility, found CBD also may be incredibly effective for reducing uterine contractions during labor and delivery. This is because CBD may act as an antagonist for oxytocin, which is what causes these contractions. This means CBD can help to ease the delivery process naturally.


 Research conducted by Dr. Hans Hatt at Ruhr University in Bochum, Germany has found an incredible link between CBD and male fertility. This study found that a receptor previously presumed to be a part of the ECS also is present in sperm cells. This receptor, called the GPR18 receptor, now can link cannabinoids and the ECS directly to fertility.

However, the evidence concerning THC and CBD is incredibly different. Animal studies have shown THC may impact testosterone levels, stunt sperm maturation, and increase the number of abnormal sperm cells, as well as decreasing overall sperm count and mobility. On the other hand, the evidence for CBD is much more promising.

Evidence suggests CBD may play a key role in an essential biological process for procreation called the acrosome reaction. This study found that when the GPR18 receptor in sperm cells is activated, this acrosome reaction is triggered. During this process, the sperm cell is altered slightly as it moves toward the egg.

As the sperm ‘swims’ toward the egg, digestive enzymes are released and the sperm loses the protective ‘cap’ on its head. This allows the sperm to effectively penetrate the egg. So, without this receptor and the ECS as a whole, this reaction would not occur and fertilization would be impossible.

If these findings are correct, CBD could be the next breakthrough in helping resolve infertility issues. More research is needed to prove CBD’s powerful effects on both female and male fertility, though the evidence is incredibly compelling thus far.



As the evidence continues growing, CBD’s incredible medical and therapeutic potential slowly is being revealed. By working directly with the body, CBD is able to help bring the body back to homeostasis. This effectively allows CBD to work to heal the body from the inside out.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

CBD oil and Macular Degeneration - Testimonials compilation

There have been people that say their eyesight has improved .. although I don't believe that they were taking the Oil for that particular reason rather that the oil has that added benefit ... I've been using Hempworx cbd since November of last year and my eye sight seems to crisp up some then go back to what I know as normal ... I have astigmatism

I've had MD for years, had cataracts removed 3 yrs ago. Now, I've noticed my eyesight is much better, I can see further in distance and I don't see those fuzzy little things that started when it was diagnosed.They stopped happening at the end of December 2017.

I have macular degeneration. The first three weeks I gradually noticed I was not having black spots or blurry vision, and my eye strain was gone. Soon, my eyes were no longer a problem and I didn't even notice it anymore. I used the Hempworx 500 up to 3 drops twice a day at that point.

In 1993 I was very involved in a new nutritional supplement and had an Ophthalmology Professor on the product who did research for the company after telling me that "By 2020 the #1 cause of blindness was expected to be Macular Degeneration, with 1 in every 3 affected and that there would be no cure only prevention through nutrition. The perfect synergy of the product led it to be the first supplement to obtain a government patent for nutritional supplements. Although I'm no longer associated I honestly believe Hempworx CBD is the closest in purity and synergy which is why I use it as both my mother and an aunt have had macular degeneration.


It helped my depression greatly and my anxiety and insomnia. I also had the start of macular degeneration and was having a hard time reading. I don't have a hard time reading anymore. It helped my daughter's RA

 I've been giving it to my 89 yr old Dad . He can see better in one eye! He has Macular Degeneration, and is almost blind in one eye, but now he can see the TV better, and can read the paper with a magnifying glass! He had an appointment with his eye doctor yesterday, and, the Macular Degeneration has not progressed!
First good report in years!

CBD oil Testimonials

Welcome to the CBD oil Testimonials. 

we share real stories from real people who have used the CBD oil for ailments and various Health conditions and have seen amazing results.

Educating people about the benefits of CBD oil and helping them feel better naturally is the reason why this blog was started.

We are sharing testimonials of others who have used the CBD oil to bring relief to health and wellness issues, including our own personal testimonials.

Enjoy and...

Please ask the person who added you here how you can order your own CBD oil when you  are ready.

Do you have your own testimonials that you want to share with the rest of us? This is an opportunity for you to do so using the comments section of this blog.

Do you also know that you can also make money from cbd oil and good health as well by becoming an affiliate?

Are you interested in becoming HempWorx CBD oil affiliate? Hempworx cbd oil and other hemp derived health products is produced and marketed by My Daily Choice, MDC, based in the United States.

More later...