Thursday, August 1, 2019

CBD oil and Macular Degeneration - Testimonials compilation

There have been people that say their eyesight has improved .. although I don't believe that they were taking the Oil for that particular reason rather that the oil has that added benefit ... I've been using Hempworx cbd since November of last year and my eye sight seems to crisp up some then go back to what I know as normal ... I have astigmatism

I've had MD for years, had cataracts removed 3 yrs ago. Now, I've noticed my eyesight is much better, I can see further in distance and I don't see those fuzzy little things that started when it was diagnosed.They stopped happening at the end of December 2017.

I have macular degeneration. The first three weeks I gradually noticed I was not having black spots or blurry vision, and my eye strain was gone. Soon, my eyes were no longer a problem and I didn't even notice it anymore. I used the Hempworx 500 up to 3 drops twice a day at that point.

In 1993 I was very involved in a new nutritional supplement and had an Ophthalmology Professor on the product who did research for the company after telling me that "By 2020 the #1 cause of blindness was expected to be Macular Degeneration, with 1 in every 3 affected and that there would be no cure only prevention through nutrition. The perfect synergy of the product led it to be the first supplement to obtain a government patent for nutritional supplements. Although I'm no longer associated I honestly believe Hempworx CBD is the closest in purity and synergy which is why I use it as both my mother and an aunt have had macular degeneration.


It helped my depression greatly and my anxiety and insomnia. I also had the start of macular degeneration and was having a hard time reading. I don't have a hard time reading anymore. It helped my daughter's RA

 I've been giving it to my 89 yr old Dad . He can see better in one eye! He has Macular Degeneration, and is almost blind in one eye, but now he can see the TV better, and can read the paper with a magnifying glass! He had an appointment with his eye doctor yesterday, and, the Macular Degeneration has not progressed!
First good report in years!

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